Small Brain Moment

24 Jul, 2024 - 1 minutes
So I recently had fiber installed for our house. I have symmetric speeds now of 400 down and 400 up! Everything is great, except for one little mistake I made. With this new fiber installation, the ISP needed to install an ONT, and originally I was hoping they could possibly give me some kind of rack mountable ONT, but yeah, they don’t give that to residential customers. So the plan was to mount it to the wall behind the network rack.

Passing The Security+

22 Jun, 2024 - 5 minutes
So I just recently passed the glorified vocab test known as the Security+. Just wanted to give me thoughts about. I studied for around a week and half. (Planned on 2 weeks, but got sick for around 4 days.) I do have a degree in cybersecurity, as well as having already taken and passed the Network+ 3 years prior. So that definitely helped. I had planned on taking the Security+ much earlier, but once I got a fulltime job whilst still taking classes fulltime, I held off on it.

Installing a Network Rack in My House

After about a month of work I’ve finally finished installing my new network, all contained in an actual network rack. If you want to see what my network was like before this, here is the post Here is a quick before and after: (Router and modem are upstairs. I have cable that runs directly to the switch here.) (I’ve moved the router down here, while the modem stays upstairs, since that is where the source is.

New name, new me

26 May, 2024 - 1 minutes
Quick announcement here. I’ve changed the domain to this blog to: The old domain I was originally using I purchased off of google domains. Of course Squarespace had to ruin that. I then went to Namecheap and purchased for only 5 dollars and sixteen cents for one year. Domain dealers are lame though, they’ll give you a great deal when purchasing a new domain, but of course once it comes to renewal they will screw you over by jacking up the renewal price.

Poor Man's Monitoring Tool

4 May, 2024 - 1 minutes
A couple days ago I was mindlessly browsing the web when suddenly my internet went out. With it being 1am, it was a clear sign for me to go to bed, but I ignored it and just hopped on my phone for a bit. 30 minutes later I noticed the internet was still out and I was kinda pissed. (As if I was doing anything actually important.) Usually these outages only last about 10-15 minutes or so.